Tag Archive | photos

Nashville Pictures

This is My Now...

The Dream Finish Line

mile 2-I am in the green!

The Beautiful Perspective I never saw! So glad Aaron and Leann took these!

All of us after I finished...Thomas while next to me, is still not family!

Killing Thomas. All in jest, by dinner time I allowed him to be my cousin again.

Road Trip! Me, Esquire and Leann...on the way down...


Me and Holly

Dinner on Race Night. Sushi! But not the Sushi Nazi!

Friday Lunch at the Greek Place!

Take us Home Leann!

Bad pic, but I gotta show a pic of my Katie!

Ben...on the way home

Sleeping on the way home...curled up like a pretzel. he said he was comfortable!

Friggin Hula-Hoopin Walkers...

Who is THAT?

Me...at my friend Paul and Adria's wedding

Me...at my friend Paul and Adria's wedding

Kristin, Me, Jeanne...We all matched, quite by accident!

Kristin, Me, Jeanne...We all matched, quite by accident!

Meet Adam guys!  One of my favorite GR workout buddies!

Meet Adam guys! One of my favorite GR workout buddies!

No sure if I ever photographically introduced you to Aaron, friend and guest writer extraordinaire!

No sure if I ever photographically introduced you to Aaron, friend and guest writer extraordinaire!